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Shaping a bright future for beer – thank you

Shaping a bright future for beer – thank you

By Ivan Stefanec MEP, President of the European Parliament Beer Club Closing message of the 2019-2024 term from the President of the EP Beer Club Dear Members of the European Parliament Beer Club, After almost five years as MEPs, we are preparing to leave Brussels and...

Where Beer’s Future Lies

Where Beer’s Future Lies

By Simon Spillane, Head of Operations, The Brewers of Europe Brussels and Strasbourg have been busier than ever in recent weeks as officials and MEPs scramble to wrap up their work before the European election campaigns start in earnest. But for us, this week also had...

Europe’s beer sector ready to return, stronger and better, in 2023

Europe’s beer sector ready to return, stronger and better, in 2023

Brussels, December 8, 2022 - Europe’s beer sector is optimistic about returning to its pre-pandemic heights in 2023, The Brewers of Europe Secretary General Pierre-Olivier Bergeron said today at the ninth edition of Beer Serves Europe in Brussels. Mr Bergeron said the...

10th anniversary of the EU Beer Pledge

The Brewers of Europe celebrated in November 2022 the tenth anniversary of the #EUBeerPledge, the European brewers’ pioneering commitment to the promotion of responsible beer consumption. At an event at The Brewers of Europe House in Brussels, Ivan Štefanec, Member of...



Calling on MEPs to #SAVESPORTSPONSORSHIPVote Tuesday for AM38 (AM27cp2)Report Trillet-Lenoir (BECA A9-0001/2022) Dear Members of the European Parliament, Sports contribute to the well-being of our society, encouraging activity and bringing people together to lead...