by | 02/14/2222 | News
Calling on MEPs to #SAVESPORTSPONSORSHIPVote Tuesday for AM38 (AM27cp2)Report Trillet-Lenoir (BECA A9-0001/2022) Dear Members of the European Parliament, Sports contribute to the well-being of our society, encouraging activity and bringing people together to lead...
by | 04/26/2121 | News
Getting back to bars, pubs, cafés and festivals with friends, family and the local community will be a symbol of recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, and will also help to reignite the whole European economy and rebuild society, according to The Brewers of Europe, the...
by | 12/21/2020 | News
MEPs and the beer sector are working to create a special taskforce to help bars, pubs, restaurants and cafés recover from the economic effects of the pandemic. According to Ivan Štefanec, MEP and President of the European Parliament Beer Club, the taskforce aims...
by | 12/10/2020 | Uncategorized
Ahead of this week’s European Council, we are seeking the support of our Social Partners to urge EU leaders to agree a clear roadmap to recovery for the brewing & hospitality sector and to consider setting up a special Taskforce of key policymakers and...